G20 Health Ministers Review Importance of Utilizing Digital

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2020-12-16 11:15 0
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RIYADH, April 19 (Xinhua) — Health ministers of the Group 20 (G20) reviewed on Sunday the importance of utilizing digital solutions in current and future pandemics.

During a virtual meeting, the officials discussed further coordinate efforts in combating COVID-19 and the role of digital solutions, a statement by the G20 Saudi Presidency highlighted.

The ministers stressed that people's health and well-being are at the heart of all decisions taken to protect lives and alleviate the socio-economic impacts resulting from the virus.

They also shared experiences and preventative measures to contain the pandemic. The officials recognized that the virus revealed the systemic weaknesses in health systems, and the vulnerabilities in the global community's ability to prevent and respond to pandemic threats.

G20 health ministers will take further actions that may be required to contain the pandemic and will reconvene again as necessary, the statement added.

G20 Health Ministers Review Importance of Utilizing Digital Solutions in Pandemics

Photo taken on Apirl 19, 2020 in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia shows G20 health ministers attending a virtual meeting. Health ministers of the Group 20 (G20) reviewed on Sunday the importance of utilizing digital solutions in current and future pandemics. During a virtual meeting, the officials discussed further coordinate efforts in combating COVID-19 and the role of digital solutions, a statement by the G20 Saudi Presidency highlighted. [Handout via Xinhua/G20 Saudi Arabia]


G20 Health Ministers Review Importance of Utilizing Digital Solutions in Pandemics

Saudi Health Minister Tawfiq Al-Rabiah (C) attends the G20 health ministers virtual meeting in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, on April 19, 2020. Health ministers of the Group 20 (G20) reviewed on Sunday the importance of utilizing digital solutions in current and future pandemics. During a virtual meeting, the officials discussed further coordinate efforts in combating COVID-19 and the role of digital solutions, a statement by the G20 Saudi Presidency highlighted. [Handout via Xinhua/G20 Saudi Arabia]


(Source: Xinhua)