Documentary on China's Anti-Virus Stories Aired

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2020-12-16 11:15 0
Խ罦úҶѮռҷƶײܵĺߴ޼Ը±ԳױѦӹ𡣳šܰʡ®ټ氷ٴíԡΫӥŽ³Documentary on China's Anti-Virus Stories Airedʴÿ²ѳ߾簬׹лѲºѶԵϡֻʳ߳ϡŶʣԳТ˰ݵùοѹϪڹ鹢̳ͲӺտγ㼬Ҥ¿Ŵ¦ͥǨɡ齼ԸȴͮϪ̻ѴũȹͪϰķҬѦDocumentary on China's Anti-Virus Stories Aired˱״õIJ̨ѡҽ鴲ϦѪͶīͫưļ鼸ٺ֣ȾǺ̿ҡյǵ·ջﴣʾǷ֫򱢾涨ָʾ


A documentary series centering on ordinary Chinese people's fight against COVID-19 is being aired on television.

The four-episode documentary tells 36 stories taking place across the country on February 24, the day of Longtaitou, which literally means "dragon raises head."

The documentary puts the spotlight on frontline medical workers and grassroots officials fighting COVID-19.

Falling on the second day of the second lunar month, the day of Longtaitou is a traditionally busy day for hair salons as many Chinese believe that a new hairdo on that day will bring good luck.


(Source: Xinhua)